Smile – Listening Comprehensions 4 mit CD

Englisch Hörverständnis-Übungen für die 4. Klasse AHS/Mittelschule
(1 Kundenrezension)


Lieferung in 2 - 5 Werktagen


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Verstehen, was in einer fremden Sprache gesprochen wird – DAS Thema im aktuellen Fremdsprachenunterricht! SMILE – Listening Comprehensions 4 bietet zu den einzelnen Hörbeispielen zahlreiche Übungen, die zeigen, ob der Schüler, die Schülerin den gehörten Text verstanden und sich gemerkt haben. – Jedes Buch mit Audio-CD, gesprochen von Native Speakern. – Text der CD ist im Buch abgedruckt. – Mit allen Schulbüchern verwendbar.

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Details zum Buch

Erscheiungsdatum: 04/2019
Einband: Kartoniert
104 Seiten
Abmessungen: 21cm x 29,7cm
ISBN: 978-3-7074-2187-3


Claudia Lichtenwagner

Angaben zur Person: Mag. Claudia Lichtenwagner stammt aus Ried im Innkreis, wo sie das Gymnasium besuchte, an das sie nach dem Studium der Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Romanistik als Lehrkraft zurückgekehrt ist.
Mit ihren leicht verständlichen, überaus erfolgreichen Reihen SMILE und SOURIRE möchte sie allen Englisch- bzw. Französischlernenden den Zugang zur Sprache erleichtern und ihnen eine solide, unverzichtbare Basis in Grammatik vermitteln.


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MP3 Audiotracks

Smile – Listening Comprehensions 4
Das Verstehen von gesprochenen Texten ist leicht erlernbar. Du brauchst dazu nur etwas Übung. Die Lernhilfe “Smile – Listening Comprehensions 4” kann dich dabei unterstützen, dein Hörverständnis zu verbessern. Die Track-Nummern entsprechen der Nummerierung der Aufgaben im Übungsbuch. Good luck!

Smile 4 Track 01 Amanda is talking about her school trip to Ireland.mp3
Smile 4 Track 02 Carol is talking about the Giants Causeway in Northern Ireland.mp3
Smile 4 Track 03 Robin is talking about his holiday in Ireland.mp3
Smile 4 Track 04 Loreen is talking about St. Patricks Day.mp3
Smile 4 Track 05 Brian is talking about a holiday adventure in Ireland.mp3
Smile 4 Track 06 Mia is telling a story.mp3
Smile 4 Track 07 Raymond is talking about his four-day holiday in Dublin.mp3
Smile 4 Track 08 A crime story.mp3
Smile 4 Track 09 A crime story.mp3
Smile 4 Track 10 A bank robbery.mp3
Smile 4 Track 11 A burglary.mp3
Smile 4 Track 12 An unlucky thief.mp3
Smile 4 Track 13 Dialogue about a bank robbery.mp3
Smile 4 Track 14 Eds problem.mp3
Smile 4 Track 15 Phone-in show Speak Out.mp3
Smile 4 Track 16 Phone-in show Speak Out.mp3
Smile 4 Track 17 Phone-in show Speak Out.mp3
Smile 4 Track 18 Alice is talking about a problem she has with a friend.mp3
Smile 4 Track 19 James is talking about TV in the past.mp3
Smile 4 Track 20 A telephone call from Paris.mp3
Smile 4 Track 21 A refugee from Syria tells his story.mp3
Smile 4 Track 22 An interview with a refugee.mp3
Smile 4 Track 23 Holiday jobs.mp3
Smile 4 Track 24 A job interview that went wrong.mp3
Smile 4 Track 25 Advice for a successful job interview.mp3
Smile 4 Track 26 Felicity is talking about her dream job.mp3
Smile 4 Track 27 Rose is talking about her dream job.mp3
Smile 4 Track 28 The oldest employee in Vietnam.mp3
Smile 4 Track 29 Mandy is talking about her future career.mp3
Smile 4 Track 30 Frank is talking about his dream job.mp3
Smile 4 Track 31 Bethany is talking about a camp for overweight youngsters.mp3
Smile 4 Track 32 A radio programme on healthy food.mp3
Smile 4 Track 33 An interview about eating disorders.mp3
Smile 4 Track 34 Eating habits.mp3
Smile 4 Track 35 Elisa is talking about her eating habits.mp3
Smile 4 Track 36 Kens personal hero.mp3
Smile 4 Track 37 Larrys personal hero.mp3
Smile 4 Track 38 At a travel agency.mp3
Smile 4 Track 39 Ann is talking about a book on Australia.mp3
Smile 4 Track 40 Liam is talking about his holiday in Australia.mp3
Smile 4 Track 41 Dr Bancroft is talking about his Aboriginal roots.mp3
Smile 4 Track 42 Gregory wants to have a piercing.mp3
Smile 4 Track 43 Mr May is talking about his problems with his son because of a tattoo.mp3
Smile 4 Track 44 Max and Emma are talking about piercing and tattooing.mp3
Smile 4 Track 45 Body language Customs and habits in different countries.mp3
Smile 4 Track 46 Body language A pantomime artist.mp3
Smile 4 Track 47 Non-verbal communication.mp3
Smile 4 Track 48 Ben and Rita are talking about school uniforms.mp3
Smile 4 Track 49 Joe is talking about his cousins wedding.mp3
Smile 4 Track 50 Sue and Elisa are talking about wedding traditions.mp3
Smile 4 Track 51 Young people are talking about their collections.mp3
Smile 4 Track 52 Austin is talking about his collections.mp3
Smile 4 Track 53 Samuel is talking about his collection.mp3
Smile 4 Track 54 Fair Trade.mp3
Smile 4 Track 55 The making of chocolate.mp3
Smile 4 Track 56 Theo is talking about a club against bullying.mp3
Smile 4 Track 57 Liz is talking about her reading habits.mp3
Smile 4 Track 58 A radio interview about reading habits.mp3
Smile 4 Track 59 Teenagers are talking about their Bookworm Club.mp3
Smile 4 Track 60 Hank is talking about science fiction.mp3
Smile 4 Track 61 Mr Mortimer is talking about a meeting with aliens.mp3
Smile 4 Track 62 Kidnapped by aliens.mp3

1 Bewertung für Smile – Listening Comprehensions 4 mit CD

  1. Smile

    Dank diesem Buch war ich perfekt auf die Schularbeit vorbereitet und hatte alle punkte im Listening.

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